In a TV interview show, the host was asking a question. The guest gave a response, it would be a normal answer but the host manage to pop up a counter in such short time and make the show livelier.

The guest was jumping up and down after receiving the 2nd question from the host :D
Host: So you make love 3 times a day like eating?
Audiences laugh :D
Guest: haha , you got me !

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Community Building

Posted on 6:30 PM, under ,

What do you guys think?
Any shortcuts or tips to hasten it?
Do share it....

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Money enough meh !!?

Posted on 6:11 PM, under ,

Probably you think im expecting too many things in my life.

Why get a car when there is public transportation??
Why you want internet connection at home?? Use it during work time la..
Why spend so much on food?? Gardenia la !
Why use handphone?? Use telekom la !
Why give parents money?? Earn enough only give la !

Aint that basic requirements ??

Boss !  I Need A Raise !!

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Curious about the title? This post is based on the coming movie 2012 which describes the end of world on 12/12/2012.
What will you do if that times comes?
Will you cry?
Will you accept the fate?
Will you try to save yourself?
Share it with us.

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Security get Pawned

Posted on 8:00 PM, under ,

Just for Laugh~

Is our security guards well trained? professional to counter the bad guys in the street? well armed with protective gears or weapons?

Can you mention any security guards that is doing a good/bad job out there?

Do share this post with your friend on facebook and twitter if you like it.

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The Eggs ...

Posted on 1:31 AM, under ,

Chicken eggs will cost less in Peninsular Malaysia from Monday said the Federation of Livestock Farmers’ Associations of Malaysia.

Wow Wow, happy eggy day~ Seriously will this minor price change benefits the wide consumers around Malaysia ?

Just for Laugh ~

Emo Souce:

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Just for Laugh ~
Emo Souce:

Do share this post with your friend on facebook and twitter if you like it. 
Thanks for reading

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